Breaking the touch barrier with a shy girl?

So there's this girl I like and although she is shy/quiet, she is friendly with most people but with me she has always been shy and a bit nervous most of the time. I would see her hug people she considers "just friends" but when I tried to do a simple poke on the shoulder, she would pull away. I did something "very sweet" (although anonymously) for her on Valentine's day and after that, she changed. She now is talkative and laughs at my jokes and smiles the whole time I'm near and teases me a lot, to the point of people asking her why is she teasing me so heavily (I don't mind though haha) and I even asked her if I could give her a "pet name" and when I told her what it was, she had the biggest smile on her face and she said she was fine with it. I decided to try breaking the touch barrier and got the same positive result, she lets me put my arm around her without pulling away and she lets me play with her hair and things like that (I haven't done anything too big yet). Its been over a month and I just can't get over the change. I already told her I liked her a while ago (she said it wasn't mutual, but I did notice she hesitated a lot before she said it). Like I said, she is shy and has never had a boyfriend, now we spend a lot of time together and it just feels like we are right for each other, I can't explain it, we are always smiling at each other and everything and she is always giggling at whatever things I do or say, could she like me?
Breaking the touch barrier with a shy girl?
3 Opinion