She wants to take it slow but is calling me every day?? Confused?

I met a girl a couple weeks ago, she fell pretty hard and so did I. We've hung out like 4-5 times in these two weeks and text each other every day. At a party I was drunk and told her I liked her. She told me she's glad we're on the same page but it's something we should talk about later.

Two days later she asks me out to lunch. I go with her and we talk and the subject of the party comes up. She told me it was sweet what I did, and that she's interested in me, but she wants to take things slow. She said she got out of a bad relationship three months ago and she's inexperienced, plus she's going to med school next semester and is worried I might find a new girl. I told her she's worrying too much and agreed we should just go with the flow.

But ever since and ever before that talk, she's been texting me every day, calling me and asking me to hang out. Last night she asked me to go to a comedy club with her and I said no because I had to work. Point is, she's calling every day and wants to hang out like every day...

I don't know what is going on here, she says take it slow but she acts like she wants to rush into something with me. Maybe she's trying to tell that to herself, that she should take it slow? But she might want me... I don't know because I'm kind of inexperienced myself in these things. Help?
She wants to take it slow but is calling me every day?? Confused?
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