Does my gym teacher like me?

Ok so I'm 18 and my gym teacher is in his early 20s. I had him last year for most of the year when my other teacher left to go to another school. There are so many girls in my school that like him and think he's hot and so do I. When he first started teaching at our school he was a helper in my health class and soon become my gym teacher. I though he was cute towards the end of the year and you still like him this year. During the summer last year we ran into each other at the store and we talked for awhile and when we both had to leave we hugged and I felt weird and awkward. I have had dreams about him but I mean a lot of people have dreams about their teachers right? My friends think he likes me because in class he always looks at me and talks to me A LOT. Sometimes in class he will ask me to stay after school and practice the unto we are in like soccer or softball. When I do I don't feel weird but sometimes we get close like if we are weight lifting (eww gross) after school he will my hand or thigh. During class when we all weigh lift he will be in front of me like he will do pull ups right in front of me and look at me and smile also. He also winks at me A LOT and will always look my butt and boobs. I don't want today anything cause I don't want it to be weird. Is he flirting or not?
Does my gym teacher like me?
7 Opinion