Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight


Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight

Here are six more things you learn from losing a lot of weight. If you would like to know what the first 6 were, you can read part I here:

1. Some of your haters will now love you

When you are overweight, often times there are people who make fun of you because of your weight or won't give you the time of day because of it. However, once the weight starts dropping off, some of these same people who couldn't even be bothered to greet you in the morning, may now want to be your friend, now want to chat you up, now want to hang out with you. Listen, it can be exciting to have all this possible new attention on you, especially when it comes to your looks, something you may not have experienced in a while, or ever, but even though physically you might have changed dramatically, you are STILL the same person you were all those pounds ago. Just because you may be given new attention, doesn't mean you have to just accept it because it's there. Don't surround yourself in your new body with people who will clearly only be there for you when you're 'at the top,' but will clearly ignore or abandon you when you are at your weakest. You have to value yourself now, and keep those around you that don't just value your outsides, but your insides too.

2. Meet the Food Police (also the exercise police)

Some very good intentioned friends, family, or co-workers, once they learn you have lost weight, are losing weight, or at the end of your weight loss journey will decide that they are going to be your own personal food and exercise police. When you go for a small box of chips instead of carrots one fateful evening, they will make absolutely sure you know about it. They will remind you how fat you used to be. They will wonder why on earth you of all people are eating that. They may not understand you have a cheat meal worked into your eating plan, or they may just be jerks. The same people may go to the gym and wonder out loud why you aren't working out hard enough given your former fat self status, or your current one. Yes, every once in a while you need a kick in the pants in the right direction or to help you help yourself avoid falling back into old habits, and just know that those occasional people and comments are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who constantly on a loop, monitor you and what you're doing and eating. Unless you are a child, you are responsible for yourself ultimately and what you are doing to get healthy and no one is allowed to nominate themselves as your keeper because they cannot lose the weight for you. Let these people know in as tactful a manner as possible that you've got this or are learning how to get it, and then ask them to not continue making comments and remarks.

Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight
3. You'll become your own personal fitness and nutrition expert

Every magazine, internet blurb, and book would almost have you believe that all you ever have to do to continously lose weight is eat some greens and go work out an hour a day. This works amazingly well for a while...and then, as your body will begin to adjust and bring itself back to a level where it is able to easily handle your new activity load and calories in, you will find yourself scratching your head, getting extremely frustrated, and maybe even relapsing on your diet/exercise in anger as to why the scale isn't moving an inch. This is where you will have to buckle down and seek the advice of fitness-y friends, hit up the internet for tips on how to escape being on the dreaded plauteau, and how to workout again so you can see results. Oh and did I mention, what works for you probably (read: definitely) won't work for someone else? Yes, there goes that sneaky evolution thing again. Our bodies are made to adjust to the stresses we put on it and to fight against starvation. Your body doesn't know it isn't starving or isn't in danger when you're out there exercising and cutting your calories back to a lower level. It wants to get back to homeostatis, where everything is working hand in hand with one another. You have to do your research and find out how to get around these evolutionary hiccups to your health and wellness plans. You may have to figure these things out multiple times before the end of your journey.

4. Some Damage May Be Permanent

There are a million and one reasons which far outweight your vanity, why you should want to lose weight to become active and healthy, but sometimes there are some side affects to weight loss or putting off weight loss for so long that may be permanent for you. Stretch marks, loose skin, damage to your knees and hips, issues with gallstones, heart disease, diabetes and it's complications, and even depression for those that think weight loss is going to solve all their problems. It's important to keep tabs on your health with a medical professional and to address any psychological issues you may have dealing with your weight loss. Remind yourself that the cosmetic issues are nothing as compared to the dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle you were living before.

Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight

5. It Never Ends

Congratulations, you've managed to lose your what. Surprise, surprise, you may be thinking you did all this amazing hard work to get yourself to lose your ton of weight and then you get to the end and you may feel like, okay, all I need to do now is just exist, but it never ends. If you want to keep yourself fit and healthy, you must maintain. You must continue to exercise and eat right for the rest of your life. Don't think of this as some sort of punishment or hell that comes after your elation and joy, but rather what everyone else is doing to, what you need to do if you don't want to have to go through all that you did to get to this point ever again. Put up pictures and reminders of how bad it was, and if you feel like giving up again, take a step back and put things into perspective.

6. Your Journey is a powerful one

How many people wish they could have done something, say they are going to do something, but they never even try? This is the story of so many people, but when you go through losing such a vast amount of weight, it can completely alter the course of your life. Some people have never known what it's like to be healthy and others haven't been healthy in a while, but when you come out on the other side, it's knowing you achieved what many said or thought was impossible including yourself. Day 1 you is not going to be day 365 you in the sense that you will know and understand struggling, perservering, fighting through your demons, keeping your head up, dealing with adversity, getting through workouts even when you just wanted to give up. You will know what it truly means to not give up on yourself or your dreams. That energy can trickle into other parts of your life and into other things you wanted to accomplish. Being overweight or obese can severely limit the things physically you are able to do and places you can go, but when you are on your journey and you finish, know that you've done it, and the only person who can ever take that victory away from you is you, but don't let that happen ever again!

Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight

Six MORE Things You Learn From Losing A Lot of Weight
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