Reasons To Drink More Green Tea!


Sipping on my cup of green tea right now... It made me want to talk about the benefits of consuming green tea.. Obtained from Camellia sinensis; green tea is a healthy beverage that is full of health benefits and I don't see why we should not drink it

Reasons to drink more green tea!

1. It contains antioxidants.

2. it is said to improve physical performance.

3. It burns fat.

4. It can protect us from age-related memory problem

5. It can protect from certain types of cancer.

6. It can lower our risk of infection.

7. It can lower the risk of developing diabetes.

8. It can prevent cardiovascular disease.

9. It can help to live longer

10. It can prevent inflammatory skin diseases.

11. It can reduce high blood pressure.

12. It can help us feeling more relaxed.

13. It detoxifies our organism.

14. It is said to be good for dental health.

15. It is full of healthy nutrients (vitamin c/dietary fiber,etc...) you like green tea?

Reasons To Drink More Green Tea!
Reasons To Drink More Green Tea!
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