Why Young People Should Be Fit


Too many young people have a dangerous thought pattern. They think, "I look thin and beautiful. I don't need to eat fruits and vegetables or exercise. I can eat junk food all day and still look great." This type of thinking is dangerous, because the person assumes thinness equates to healthiness. First of all, being thin and being healthy ARE NOT the same thing! You can be thin, yet kill your body's cells at the same time. As you age, your body is not going to have same rate of recovery anymore, and as a result, you show noticeable signs of aging. Second of all, just because you are thin and attractive now does not mean you will keep your looks by your 30s. Many people get fatter in their 30s, because their metabolic rate is slowing down. An unhealthy lifestyle of junk food and very little physical activity will just age the body faster.

If you are overweight in your teens or twenties, then that is the perfect time to set good lifestyle habits for the rest of your life. Young people are still learning and developing, so it's important to lock good habits into the development stage. Young people have a relatively fast metabolism, so it will be very easy to lose weight more quickly at this life stage than at later life stages.

If you look like you already have a fit body but live a very sedentary lifestyle, then you should include some physical activity into your everyday life to improve your heart health and build strong muscles. You should also maximize the number of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and minimize the number of artificial ingredients. This does not mean that you should go vegan. Veganism intrinsically isn't healthy. You can consume hydrogenated oil and excessive amounts of sugar (both are vegan) and become fat and sick.

Also, animal products tend to be more calorically dense than plant products, whereas many whole fruits and vegetables take up a lot of volume but not many calories. Eating a few hard-boiled eggs is more economically efficient and physically feasible than eating pounds and pounds of beans. In this myTake, I talk about the meaning of meat. In this myTake, I talk about why veganism is NOT intrinsically healthy. Eating a balanced diet and having a regular physical activity routine will make your body thank you in later years.

Why Young People Should Be Fit
15 Opinion