How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast


1.ACT FAST. as soon as you feel the scratchy throat voice fading the dreaded first cough dont shake it off and say o its just a little NO NO it will grow and you know it.fight back against this fire breathing monster.

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

2. TEA PLEASE. people say when your sick drink lots of water well tea I believe is better if you pick correctly here are some i use that work great and I will tell you why they do. GREEN TEA has been a remedy for coughs for 100s of years if it not broke don't fix it dude. its full of Antioxidants and will reduce upper respiratory infection. MINT TEA is again something used for 100s of years mint tea is a cleaner riding your body of harmful toxins it has a large amount of menthol, which thins mucus allowing it to break up and leave your body.ORANGE SPICE TEA it just makes it feel better and taste good lol but it really does make your throat feel a lot better. TEA WITH HONEY the honey soothes sore throats and you could just take 10 milliliters of honey. honey is an effective cough suppressant.

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

3.ORANGES . NO NOT STORE BOUGHT ORANGE JUICE SO DROP THAT GLASS IT won't DO SHIT FOR YOU I dont care if the box says 100% pure orange juice they are LIERS they actually take out all the health benefits and flavor from the juice to extends shelf life and artificial put the taste back so if you want to get better load up on that vitamin C start eating ORANGES LIKE A GORILLA

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

4.BRING ON THE NASTY. now anyone who has ever taken cough syrup knows what i bee taking abut that disgusting thick hard to swallow spoon full of yuck. but like it or not it helps so bring on the yuck it dont matter and dont forget the Tylenol

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

5.VICKS ON YOUR FEET!!!??? yah you read that right it may feel weird but believe it or not it helps put Vicks on your feet and socks.

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

6.NEVER HOLD A COUGH IN NEVER. you need to let it out or you won't get better the bacteria needs someplace to go other than YOU.

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

7. GARLIC ??? yes garlic look don't worry abut your bad breath when you sick aunt no one going to be kissing you so suck it up. look the reason i don't get sick much because I'm a fan of garlic i eat it a lot dont get me wrong i eat like 40 mint to kill the smell 2 ^^.Garlic contains Manganese Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Selenium Fiber AND allicin AKA immune-boosting properties meaning Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Reduce Blood Pressure Improves Cholesterol Levels Help Prevent Alzheimer’s May Help You Live Longer Improved Athletic Performance Detoxify Heavy Metals in the Body Improve Bone Health and protects you from Dracula!!!!

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast

8. HONEY blackPEPPER lemon WATER yes its weird and not my favorite to drink but it works

How to Get Rid of Your Cough Fast
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