8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!


1. You keep you toothbrush for way too long

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

Let's say you brush your teeth twice a day. And you do it every day of the week. You should change it every 3 months. Becaue the bristles will change. They won't be as effective as once they were.

Consider getting a new toothbrush sooner if you have been sick, especially if the toothbrush is stored close to other toothbrushes.

2. You don't brush your teeth for long enough

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

You must brush your teeth long enough to let the fluroide to react to the teeth. If you think that you don't brush them enough, just keep time.

If you don't brush your teeth long enough, you may not be getting your teeth clean enough. If you leave behind bacteria on the teeth after brushing, it can lead to serious problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

3. You store your tooth brush in the bathroom

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

It is better to store it away from bathroom or toilet not to let bacterias reach it. Using a toothbrush cover doesn't protect it from bacterial growth. On the other hand, it creates a great environment allowing bacteria growth.

Keep the bristles dry.

4. You don't floss

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

Toothbrush cleans the tops and outer surfaces of the teeth and gums but floss makes an internal cleaner.

Flossing is perhaps even more important than brushing because it removes bacteria that are the precursors of plaque, which if left to fester will turn into tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing or flossing.

5. You don't clean your tongue

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

Tongue collects bacteria, dead skin cells, and food particles. When it is not cleaned well, it may lead to bad breath and a white discolouration of the tongue.

6. You use a hard toothbrush

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

It is better to go with soft one unless you doctor recommended a different one for you. Because hard toothbrushes can demage your gums.

7. You brush more than twice a day

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

Even it is recommended to brush your teeth twice in a day, some think that it is better to brush after eating anything. But they don't know that it is even bad for tooth health.

8. You don't wait 30min. after eating before brushing

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!

You should wait at least 30min. if you consumed something acidic like oranges. Or else, your enamel can be demaged.

8 Mistakes You Probably Do While Brushing Your Teeth!
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