I always used to say that I wish I was "tall" and "white", but recently?

I am short and of Indian descent and I used to be severely insecure over it and always used to say [when lamenting my insecurities on various internet forums] how I wish I was tall and white...

Recently, I have noticed that my response to the personal question I asked myself, "Would you become tall and white if you had the choice right now?" has been amended and before I would have said "yes" in a heartbeat, but now I feel as if I just like myself the way I am and am comfortable in my own skin.

Logically, this would seem weird and if I do grow (which I still have some potential for), I'll of course be pleased, but at the same time, I accept myself for being short too and don't have a problem with it anymore.

I have heard other people have experienced the same sudden change in terms of how they feel about their insecurities, where they would go from practically being suicidal over one or more of their features to loving it or them about themselves.

Has your perspective changed in this manner?
I always used to say that I wish I was "tall" and "white", but recently?
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