Is this bad and more health problems? Heart problems?

I already have a lot of stuff/diagnoses, medications from different doctors for different things. Autism, bipolar disorder, epilepsy (seizure disorder), hypothyroidism, mixed hyperlipidemia (an excessive amount of cholesterol and triglycerides, lipids in my blood which is genetic) from my dad. The nearsightedness doesn't really matter as much, have glasses for it though. Primary dysmenorrhea which I kinda get from my mom. I have a lot. but here's the new thing. I have a cardiologist who I've seen twice and prescribes a med for my mixed hyperlipidemia and at my first appointment with her, she said it was so bad that I have premature heart disease. The med has helped and my endocrinologist said they got better but my levels are still high. So I saw my cardiologist this morning and she said my blood pressure came out high and now I need to do my blood pressure every week and email her the results. I think that's messed up. Plus I've been gaining all this extra weight totally unintentionally. I have no idea how Im gaining weight so much these last couple months when they said my diet is really good and I've had no changes. Does it mean I have high blood pressure now too? I know it was high just once but she makes it sound like such a big deal.
P. S. my paternal grandma died at age 60 because of the hyperlipidemia and stomach problems, then my dad almost died at age 46 because of it too. He had to get heart surgery to live because it caused clogged arteries and found that out after my sister taking him to the hospital for chest pain.
Is this bad and more health problems? Heart problems?
3 Opinion