How many times a day do you workout/ exercise?

This meaning doing sports or going to a club or jogging or going to the gym or something like that. I was just wondering about how much exercise people generally do because I have been exercises for the past few years this including working out, lifting, yoga, pilates, general sports, jogging, the sport I play and going to the gym and it has improved my life so much. It has improved my mental, physical, emotional and social well being. It has helped me to make friends. To make me happy about my body. Just generally made me a better person inside and out. I'm not saying you have to exercise to be happy because I accept all shapes and sizes, i think everyone is beautiful but I love myself like this I love constantlly improving myself everyday and I am happy. Also it doesn't take up my whole life, it is fun and enjoyable for me!
Everday (1 - 3 times a day)
Every other day
1 - 2 a week
Every few weeks
Every month
I am not healthy... or active so hardly ever
Other (write comment)
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How many times a day do you workout/ exercise?
14 Opinion