Does this sound like cancer?

I am only 19 and I'vebeen with two people.. sexually

In February I missed my period , scared tf out of me but not really because I have some irregular periods. Which before I've missed a month but never this long. In truth in scared to go to the doctor and find out what's wrong. I've been doing research and my reasons are stress, obesity, thyroid cancer and ovarian. No cancer runs in my family but I'm a scared. (BTW) I have taken three pregnancy test in the month of February and march all negative and I always use protection anyways. But does this sound like cancer?

I'm in college and its around finals my recent boyfriend and I aren't working out but I doubt I'm that stressed.
+1 y
Here's the thing, I am always throwing my pH balance off. I have a yeast infection every other month that's why I say cancer because of the research I did.
+1 y
Also, I keep getting every month something like a false period. I feel cramps but no period.
Does this sound like cancer?
7 Opinion