Fitness People! Why does it hurt more now than before?

So I worked my ass off for months I thought I knew the tricks to reduce muscle pain after a workout. Lots of protien, bcaa, ice, water... etc

I stopped working out for a few months I stayed active but I wasn't working out like I was before. Well 2 days ago my friend and I decided to do a workout circut. I expected pain since I haven't been active like that for awhile but it's been 2 days and I swear the pain is worse than when I first started working out. I can barely walk right now and nothings making it better. But my friend who's out of shape is fine.

I'm just curious if it's because I used to have the muscle strength for this and that's why it hurts more or what. I only did 200 squats and lunges I should not feel this sore. Also any tips to make it possible for me to walk again that would be great
Fitness People! Why does it hurt more now than before?
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