What are ways to quit smoking pot when you smoke it to feel happy?

I'm 17 and I've been smoking since I was 15 I have always suffered from depression. And anxiety and paranoia and bipolar disorder this is all because I had a messed up childhood. before I started smoking I was able to control my anxiety I could find ways to relax. but now it's horrible this is the worst my anxiety has ever been can't eat not even my favriote foods without wanting to puke even water started looking gross to me today! im only getting about three hours of sleep at night even when takeing melatonin in class when we do group projects I'm so shy and get so anxious I have to walk out of the class because I start bawling my eyes out because I don't want to work with people and I just don't go back to class. it seems like the only thing that helps me is getting high! i want to quit so badly but my friends always have weed and ask me if I want to smoke. I've stopped buying so I guess that's a start
What are ways to quit smoking pot when you smoke it to feel happy?
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