That Stupid Thing Known As Weight?

This is so typical.

Before I start, I'd like say I've no hate towards obese people. Many of my friends are overwieght and they are beautiful. Their beauty literally makes me hate them - all honesty!


I'm a strcitly healthy person. Or was. I never used to eat junk food, except chocolate on Fridays. I basically followed the Canadian Food Guide, exept that I'm a vegetarian. I worked out every 2nd day, went on 15K runs, and amazing things like that. But now that I don't have the time for any of my usual routine, everything has just gone downhill...
School has been stressing me out. Its my senior year of high school, and if you've ever heard of the IB program, I'm in that. So I guess my situation is understandable. Senior year of IB is SO busy. Like hard core busy. So, I don't knwo how it happened, but everything that convinced me to be healthy just disappeared. I'm eating junk, not exercising (only because I have not time), and just eating constantly (because I'm stressed but still). I've gained so much weight, and it disgusts me. I feel depressed all the time. And I know that I shouldn't even care about this stupid thing, but for some unknown reason, I do.
And prom is this year and I don't want to have any roles... I never did at the beginning of the year!
I want to know how to not care. Or how can I fix it. Please. I need motivation, a quote, a life experience or something. Or just some... an answer would be great. With no judgements.


Sorry if this ruined your day.
That Stupid Thing Known As Weight?
4 Opinion