Question for my fellow weightlifters, what are your macronutrients like?

For me, for every 5 lbs I weigh I eat 3 grams of protein a day every day, mostly from legumes and protein powders and some from vegetables and sessile shellfish. For every gram of protein I eat (before my double workouts) I eat 3 grams of carbohydrates. 1/3rd of my carbs come from fruits and vegetables and 2/3rds comes from legumes, rice, oats and starchy tubers. The carbs I eat from fruits and vegies are used to meat my bodies basic metabolic functions and the other are used to fuel my muscle building workouts. I workout twice a day. The first is the muscle building exercises and the second is the cardio. Between them I usually eat a protein shake and don't eat any complex carbs. That way I use the carbs stored in my muscle as fuel and when I do cardio my glycogen reserves are empty so I will burn fat. For ever 9 grams of carbs eat I eat 4 grams of fat. About 65% of the fats I eat are monounsaturated coming from nuts, avacados and olives. 25% are saturated mostly from coconut oil and 5-10% are omega threes from flaxmilk, walnuts or sesile shellfish and 5-0% of my fats come from other sources. On days I workout I cut the starchy carbs out of my diet.
So my macro ratio is as follows
60% carbs
20% protein
20% fats

Weight: 240 lbs
1 rep max on bench press: 375 lbs
Question for my fellow weightlifters, what are your macronutrients like?
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