How to lose weight before the school year starts up again?

I'll be starting 8th grade next year and I'm extremely nervous. It's the beginning of summer and I need tips to lose weight, one or two pounds would make me happy honestly. I'm 5"3 and I weigh 138 when I don't eat and 140 after I eat. I'm tired of being picked on or talked about because I would be a lot bigger than the friends I hang out with. And it usually is their parents and aunts that would pick on my size. I want to lose the weight that is mainly around my stomach because that's where all my fat seems to go. I'm already embarking on this journey, but any tips or advice to help me during this 2-3 month journey of mines? (I know little of weight lost, but I'm willing to begin a healthier life.)
How to lose weight before the school year starts up again?
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