How Do You Fight Depression?

If you don't have depression and have nothing useful to say, I don't need you commenting and telling me you don't have it. Just move on to another question.

But for people who do, how to you go on everyday? I'm really at a point in my life where I just don't see a future or a point anymore. I mean, I really don't. I'm on medical leave from my job for bi-polar disorder, I'm single, I had to move back home, I'm financially dependent on my parents, and I don't have anyone I'd call a friend. I want friends and I want a relationship and good job. But I don't have any of that and I can't figure out what's wrong with me. And truthfully, I'm a bit done trying to figure it out and I'm not liking being alone with my own thoughts anymore. The only thing people tell me is to get over it or others have worse problems. However, this isn't helpful and only makes me feel selfish and like a loser for wanting to be happier.

So any suggestions? I'd like to meet friends or guy. I know the job thing isn't completely in my control because I just work in a fucked up school district and can't force someone to hire me. (Our principal quit Sunday, students don't have full schedules yet, students don't have lockers, one principal doesn't have a license or experience in a school, and they're still moving teachers around, even though we started school August 16th.)
How Do You Fight Depression?
26 Opinion