Does My Kindness Make Me Unattractive to Guys?

So I'm 16 and really short for my age (4'11.)

I still have a good amount of confidence, I'm fun to be around, and I'm friendly to almost everyone. If a guy that I'm not really attracted to hits on me, then I will just politely make it clear that I'm not into being in a relationship with that person.

But it doesn't matter how confident/nice I am, or how big of a smile I have on my face, guys that I'm attracted to don't like me.

They don't hate me, but they just aren't interested. It's like I'm a dude repellent. They seem to flock to the nasty barbie doll girls, or the girls that dress like boys. Basically I'm invisible to every guy but the creeps or the hygienically challenged.

Is my kindness unattractive to guys? I refuse to change myself for a guy, but I'm just wondering if this is how pathetic society is.
Does My Kindness Make Me Unattractive to Guys?
2 Opinion