At what point should we be worried about our weight/appearance?

I am not fat. I have a good 5-10 lbs that I could do without (I don't quite have a flat stomach and a little extra on my hips), but I do have a small waist and am not overweight. I cannot say that I am very confident about my body, however, due to some rude comments from an ex (there is a reason he is an ex). This past summer, I killed myself to lose the weight and it literally drove me insane--with absolutely no weight gone. I spent 4 months in Italy recently and have gained about 5 of the extra 10 I now have. My question is this: guys, is it worth girls (in general) counting every calorie, feeling regret after every indulgence, and spending way too much time concerned about our bodies? Do you really care if girls have a little "padding"? At what point is it a turn off/deal breaker? I know there have got to be lots of people that are forgiving if their partner isn't picture perfect. This question can go both ways, so ladies, same questions but about men! I am looking for honest answers, but that doesn't mean you can be a douche bag about it. Thanks!
At what point should we be worried about our weight/appearance?
6 Opinion