Why didn't they acknowledge my birthday?

My birthday was last Friday and I went on vacation that week. The norm for people in the company I work for is to get a card and everyone in the company signs it (if possible). Kinda ruins the idea of being nice to people but at least everyone equally gets a card but the people in my department are the ones in the company I'd think are not dramatic and genuinely nice people. Mostly everyone else in the company just acts like high school kids: forming cliques, gossiping about people, venting all the time etc.

When I finally got to work after being gone a week I saw my office decorated like a tornado hit it. So I was happy, until I found out that the people that decorated my office and got me gifts were people in other departments. No one in my department helped or did anything for my birthday.

In fact when I got to work all they said was their normal hello's. Even when they saw my office decorated they didn't say anything, acknowledge it, say "oh happy birthday" or anything. They just acted like the balloons and streamers weren't even there. They didn't even asked who decorated my office. I was quite shocked.

Not that I expected anything from anyone but for them to not even inquire as to who decorated my office or at least say happy birthday was kinda shocking and disappointing enough to kinda overshadow how happy I was that someone did something nice because its not like them to just not acknowledge something.

Why do you think the people who I work with who are one of the nicer people in the company to just totally not acknowledge my birthday. Its not like them, they are usually sweet and generous and humble people.

Any ideas?

Also any ideas on what I should do if anything?
They are embarrased becuase they can't compete with what the other people did
They have unsuccessfully tried to surprise you in other ways before and you didn't acknowledge it so they don't know what to do anymore
They didn't think you'd care about something insignificant
They forgot or thought they did
Other (put in comments)
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Why didn't they acknowledge my birthday?
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