What would you do? Nature calls.

What would you do if you started talking to a new guy or girl and you decided to stay over. Here's the twist. You get the bubble guts and really have to go. Not one of those silent discrete ones. Like you bout to blow up that bathroom ones. Yeah gross I know, but we are all human and shit happens... Would you just do the do and hope they don't hear you or would you make up an excuse and call it a night? Or would you deal with it some other way? Yall can leave some stories too.

I'm asking because me and my friend were talking and she has IBS. And she was telling me one of her many stories. Lucky for her (not for the women in the one stall over) she was at olive garden with the guy and not at his place. If it were me I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have bailed and went home to be honest lol. I just can't, I have to be in the comfort of my own home.
What would you do? Nature calls.
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