Diet. Has anyone else had this problem? or have any advice?

So I'm twenty five years old and have been very overweight most my life. I've tried losing weight in the past and have failed miserably. I'm 4'11 and once weighed 189. I've lost 26 pounds since than, and have been doing well at not gaining anything back. I'm trying to reach my goal weight of 115. I recently started being more active and have been eating a lot less/better and am more aware of what I eat, however I find that even when I'm not in the mood to eat I'm always thinking about it. I sometimes can't seem to focus on other things and its distracting. Other times I get really hungry, but won't eat for fear of going back to old habits, gaining, or sabotaging weight loss. It's emotionally draining because it was a lot more easy to just eat whatever I wanted and not think about it and just enjoy life without worrying about all the things in my head - " Am I eating too much?" " If I drink this coffee will it be too many calories for the day" "I'm hungry, but should I eat?". - At the same time being fat and feeling unwanted and unattractive has ruined most of my young life and my relationships and friendships, which is just as bad. People do treat you differently and see you differently and you hate yourself. Has anyone gone through the same thing?
Diet. Has anyone else had this problem? or have any advice?
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