Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman


I love the idea of getting old together.
Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

The idea of loving one woman,and being with her for my whole life,is the most romantic thing to me.and not just romantic,it shows that you really and truly care about your woman,because whoever your partner is,you will have problems in your life,with your partner,you will have fights with your partner,a monogamous couple will always find a way to make things right.The thing i love most about monogamy is a monogamous person never thinks of cheating and giving up on their partner.he/she always stay faithful to each other no matter what.

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

Monogamy makes me a Gentleman.

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

Gentlemen dont cheat on their partner,they stay faithful to their partner.and always try to make things work in their relationship and gentlemen dont think of leaving their partner when she is in her worst times.its very easy to love someone in their good times,but if you wanna know that if your guy really loves you or not,then notice his actions when you are in your worst times.

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

A True Gentleman will always love you in your worst times.and he won't ever think about leaving you.instead he would make you feel that you are not alone,and he will fight every battle in your life with you.

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

A gentleman would never just use his words to tell you how much he loves you,but he would also take actions on his words and prove you that he is a True gentleman

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman

Why I Love Monogamy and How It Makes Me a Gentleman
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