My wife cheated while I was away?


We have been married 15 years and have two kids. I have a great and stable career and recently bought a large home with my wife. One of my best friends was having a hard time with his life and I offered him my spare bedroom in my home for a few months to help him get off his feet. Well tragedy struck a month after his being over, with my grandfather passing away, so I went off to his funeral. I was gone for a week, but when I came home I sensed that my home life has changed. I did a bit of digging around and found that my wife and my best friend were having an affair in my own home! He has since left the home, but home life isn't the same anymore. My wife has been indifferent about everything and sex is nonexistent now. My children ask for him all the time and I just tell them their uncle just moved, yet the continue to ask when is he coming home. My home life with my wife has been hard, as she lack the remorse for her actions and hasn't apologized to repair our relationship. We have been seeing a marriage counselor for some months now and I don't think not sure if it's going anywhere, but it maybe just be me being unrealistic and expecting instant results. I'm in another state right now with my wife and children attending my wife's family reunion that has been planned for many many months during the Christmas timeframe, before the affair occurred. I have had a hard time talking to my family members as I feel as if it is the first or last time I'll ever see them again, which saddens me greatly as I have been a good part of their lives, as they have been part of mine. I'm having an hard time coping with all of this and also found out recently that my wife still talks to this so called friend of mine. I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm hanging on because I love her will all my heart and I don't want our kids lives affected, however it's taking a toll on me too. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.
My wife cheated while I was away?
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