Sell Me Marriage--Can You?

After seeing a bit of 'Up in the Air' I have to wonder if he didn't have a point. So, can you prove George Clooney's character wrong? Can you sell a guy marriage?

Thinking about it, I realized--50% of marriages end in divorce. The woman initiates 75% of the time. About 90% of the time it's her getting full custody of the kids, and getting spousal support, alimony, etc. Plus half the stuff, even if she was a housewife. Also, the whole culture that encourages "till death do us a part, or you make me unhappy." Think about it--how many divorces or near divorces do you know of that were because of just affairs or physical abuse? Studies say women and men are equally adulterous, so men should be initiating divorce 50% if the time if affairs are a huge role, not 25%.

Also, getting married and having kids, even if you are the lucky half of guys who get a wife who doesn't want divorce, is a ton of work. Studies also show that women getting fatter in marriage than guys (who blow up after divorce) and having a kid is a huge strain on your marriage, and we all know the jokes that go like, "One food kills women's sexual appetite--wedding cake."

So really, is there any way you can sell marriage to guys today, over just living together, or long term girlfriends, and adopting as a single parent, if he wanted a child?
Sell Me Marriage--Can You?
6 Opinion