My friend didn't invite me to her wedding.....

She buys me nice expensive gifts for my birthday, she enjoys hanging out with me, we always are laughing when we are having a good time. However she didn't invite me to her wedding at all. She invited all the other girls in the group that I know however she left me out. When I am around they all give me dirty looks because they can't talk about the wedding in front of me, I only know she is getting married from another friend in that group, who asked me if I was in the wedding. When I said no, the other girl though it was odd. She finds it more odd that our friend won't bring up the wedding at all with me. I most likely not going to go since I am the only person out of all her female friends who is not in the wedding party, I don't want to sit alone at a table with a bunch of strangers when all my friends are sitting with the bridal party talking, having a good time, while I got no one to talk this wrong that I don't want to go?

PS: I tried asking my friend about her wedding, and she gave me an annoyed look.
My friend didn't invite me to her wedding.....
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