Is he really confused.. or does he know exactly what he wants?

My ex dumped me about a month ago. There are a lot of details and I am well aware I did a lot of stupid things to try and win him back.. I guess I am just looking for any opinions on what is going on in his mind and if I can win him back.

So the details:

we dated for almost 2 years and had been living together for 8 months. He is 26 and I am 24. He was living at home until we moved in together and I had roommates. We are both done school and have real jobs, money was not an issue for either of us. He was a great boyfriend to me..he would always think of me and did anything to please me, as did I for him. We share many mutual friends who cannot believe he would ever break up with me! He has only had one serious relationship before me which was back in high school and they ended it mutually. Since then he has not told a girl he loves them and the longest relationship he had was about 5 months which ended because he did not love her. Then with me.. he told me he loved me after 4 months..he gave me a promise ring to let me know he wasn't going anywhere. He initiated moving in together. All of a sudden after 8 months of living together he tells me he does not think he loves me anymore and that he can't see this working out (up until this point we had discussed marriage.. buying a house together.. and it wasn't always me bringing these conversations up). He already had another place to live and moved out the next day! I was completely blind sided. His own friends and family didn't even know he had planned this. His best friend told him he is making a huge mistake.. but he said this is something he has to do to get away from it all to know if he is making a mistake. Of course everything I have done has only justified his decision because I am so hurt and confused that I tried to talk to him and push him. We have had some break through conversations where he admitted he was selfish and very wrong to do this and that maybe in time he would want to try. He wants to know we can make changes first .. before he is ready to even start dating again..if at all. He said he doesn't know if that is something he will want. His friends tell me he has relationship issues and they all assumed I was the "one" given the fact he moved in with me. After bombarding him with emails and texts he sent me an email saying he is considering cutting me out of his life because he doesn't think I can give him space..but then he said he finds himself wanting to give me the chance to prove that I can give him space. What the heck does this all mean.. If I give him space will he come back? He joined an online dating site.. but his profile says he is looking for friendship. He knows I know about it.. and then he went and put pictures on it. Is he testing me to see if I will freak out and pressure him over this? .. Why even bother keeping me around when he knows he is hurting me. All his friends tell me he is confused.

I really just do not get this.
Is he really confused.. or does he know exactly what he wants?
11 Opinion