Christmas without my boyfriend?

I am a 40 year old women and have been dating this man for two years. In this last year we have had many trials to go through. I have found out about some very serious lies that he has told. One of which is that he was involved in an arranged marriage just after we started dating he was scared to loose me so he didn't tell me but I found out anyway. He has since gotten a divorce as the woman never came back after the marriage.. He has told several lies about this situation which have all been uncovered by me digging... I have chosen to stand by him with everything that he has done because I do love him very much and other than this he treats me exceptionally well and we have been in counseling now for a few months... But the hurt that I have gone through is extreme... I should also mention that my brother was killed in an accident and I have had numerous trials with family over this whole situation... Now here is the problem... My boyfriend lives far away from his family and has not seen his parents for a year... His heart wants to go to New Zealand to be with his family over Christmas and new years... I however can't go because my daughter who is 15 doesn't want to go partially because of all the insecurity these lies of created... also I would be going into debt to make this trip and I have been struggling to clear it up as I am a single mom and work very hard to make ends meet. Now my struggle with this situation is this... After the year that we have had together and how hard we are working at our relationship I don't feel like he should even consider going... On the other hand I know how much he misses his family and I don't want to deny him of that... I am very torn because I don't want to spend Christmas without him as he worked last Christmas and has to work next Christmas as well... I don't want to make him choose me and Christmas together because that would be very wrong and he wouldn't be here with his whole heart but yet I feel if our relationship was as important to him as he says it is would he even consider leaving me at Christmas... I should also mention his parents are coming here in 5 months anyway... but they are getting older too... My insecurity how hard I have had to fight to be a partner in this relationship and I feel that maybe he's just not that into me... he tells me he wants to get married to me but never discusses it further... he seems very apprehensive about moving in to my house as well... Am I crazy for trying so hard...

Please help!
Christmas without my boyfriend?
8 Opinion