Why I believe Casebolt was set up in a false-flag operation


Why I believe Casebolt was set up in a false-flag operation

I smell a pattern, and it reeks. A quick timeline review, nowhere near an exhaustive list:

1. Obama nabs the first election in what doesn't seem possible. Then, a bunch of Democrat party Indiana poll watchers are convicted of election fraud five years later.

2. The Fast and Furious debacle. Of all the border patrol to get murdered by Mexican drug cartels armed with American weapons, only the whistleblower Brian Terry gets shot in the back by a rouge ATF agent - the white guy.

3. Navy officers uncover a sinister plot to nuke South Carolina, and foil it. They are then suddenly and conveniently assassinated by a "rogue crazy gunman." Not too many others were endangered, just those two. Both officers just so happened to be white conservatives. The case is immediately turned into an argument for more gun control.

4. Knockout games begin appearing in multiple cities. Eric Holder refuses to do anything about it. Antonio West gets murdered. The killers get caught, but Holder is all like: "So what?" He's mad that the killers were black, and that so much effort was put into seeking justice for a white toddler.

5. Trayvon receives a text from his ex telling him that, because Zimmerman is Hispanic, Zimmerman must be "a rapist." The drug-addled teen sneaks up behind Zimmerman and beats him to within inches of his life. Zimmerman shoots back in self-defense. He gets tried for murder anyway, with ABC and even the Florida State Attorneys' office getting caught tampering with evidence.

Holder insists on nationalizing the case. A jury of all women, mostly black, acquits Zimmerman. Odds stacked against him, he still wins. Holder chews out the jury for "getting the verdict wrong." He vows "this isn't over!" Obama claims Zimmerman guilty, solely because Trayvon was black. Meanwhile, no justice for the black girl in Chicago murdered by blacks. The case isn't exploitable, so nobody cares.

6. The New Black Panthers show up in Sanford to stir up trouble.

7. No sooner does the country get over Sanford, then the Obama Youth Brigade shows up to start trouble in Ferguson. Then, one local idiot assaults a cop and gets shot. ACORN (or what's left of them) starts paying outsiders to invade Ferguson and rabble-rouse. The city nearly destroys itself.

The officer is acquitted after a lenghty review of evidence, including from more than just internal affairs. For the "crime" of being acquitted, his whole family is threatened with violence by "celebrities" who have no business being involved. Al Sharpton shows up to collect a paycheck from the gullible.

8. No sooner does the nation catch its breath from Ferguson, then the same thing happens in Baltimore. Only this time, the rioters get mad at ACORN because it stiffed them on the paychecks for the trouble they caused. The mayor refuses to answer questions, and the district attorney is discovered to be dirty.

9. No sooner does the nation get to breathe from Baltimore imploding in lawlessness and suicidal arson, then more OYBs decide to raid a pool party on a private residence in McKinney, TX. They refused to leave for a reason: They weren't there to enjoy the party. They weren't invited. They were there to stage an incident.

Police naturally were told to respond...then suddenly, the city pulled a Uriah Gambit on Casebolt. Without proper backup, he had to contain the girl that was suddenly acting out of control. And naturally, she resisted arrest. Can she really be that stupid? I think not. It was planned. Why? Because of the other teens flash-swarming Casebolt, and not letting him do his job.

They cannot be so stupid. Most individuals are smart enough to stand back a safe distance and ask questions politely. They were taunting him, reaching for his gun. In a panic, he reached for it first, then ordered them a safe distance away.

10. While video thoroughly confirms that Casebolt acted reasonably under the circumstances, the police chief was quick to throw him under the bus before the media. Whoppi Goldberg then wasted no time trying to make the story about race, pinning the racism on Casebolt in spite video evidence to the contrary. CNN joined in quickly on the dogpile and crucifixion.

11. Within days, Casebolt had to resign and go into hiding. Celebrities as far away as Dennis LA White start threatening mob violence against not just Casebolt, but his entire family. Nothing is done about these serious threats, though they are felonius in nature.

Theory: The Obama Youth Brigade, national socialists that they are, want to create racial tensions even in places where there are none, to divide and conquer the nation. They are using false-flag operations in vulnerable cities to employ Fabian tactics of eroding the nation via racial hate and division. They want to create a "black vs. everyone else" mentality. Several media personalities are fanning the flames, treasonously, using their big media machines to propagate whichever version of the narrative suits them.

Casebolt is just yet another sacrificial lamb for their insane agenda. The whole thing is a setup, and they forced him into a trap.

Now comes the big question: how do we stop these Fabian socialists for good? How do we end this insane media narrative of "black vs. everyone"? How do we stop the black supremacist insanity in our government? And how do we defend Hispanic neighborhood watchers and white cops from becoming unwitting pawns of false-flag operations?

Why I believe Casebolt was set up in a false-flag operation
2 Opinion