What's Bothering Me. (Just an outlet. You can ignore this)


Too much work

Too much pressure to do work

Too much shit in the family

Too tired

Too addicted to the computer

Too reliant on the computer to alleviate stress

Too much time to think

Too much in my head

Too much to think about

Too much to worry about

Too much to stress about

Too much to blame myself for

Too much to shift the blame to others

Too awake

Too afraid

Too insecure

Too happy to be sad

Too much faith

Too much to believe in

Too much to lose faith in

Too much to lose respect for

Too much to be wrong about

Too much to be fucking wrong about.

Too much. It's just too much.

What's Bothering Me. (Just an outlet. You can ignore this)

I am not doing well with life right now. I needed an outlet and this is what came out while trying to find a theme for art. Teacher told me to write down what's bothering me. This is what came out.

What's Bothering Me. (Just an outlet. You can ignore this)
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