Another Gay Take


I just found this on Youtube.

"Nobody really has a reason to hate gays ... there's no completely valid reason." - 9:16

So. I have made a take before, "Why it is okay to be gay" which I will admit isn't one of my best pieces of writing. But it got people talking.

I'm hoping to do the same here.

I'm not going to go on some great speel, I'm simply going to ask a question. And please answer properly without bullshitting me.

For the religious, I want you to imagine that whatever text you follow does not exist. Be it the Bible or whatever. For the purpose of my question, it doesn't exist. Because I am sick to death of people hating gays 'because God said so'. No. Not happening here. So it's not, "Why does God hate gays?" it's "Why do you hate gays?"

For everyone else, decide in your own mind, forget what you've been told.

The question.

Why is it considered immoral to be homosexual, or commit homosexual acts?

Why do you believe gay marriage should not or shouldn't have gone ahead?

And why would people be gay, if it were 'unnatural or not meant to be? (This is the only question for which you can play the God card)

Now, please nobody argue or attack each other. Simply questioning a belief is fine, but don't attack. Nobody here is attacking. I am curious as to what people will say, and if you are for gay rights, then I am happy for you to share why you are. But I don't want to find anyone arguing. Please.

The reason this is a take by the way, and not a question. Is mostly because I was planning on a great speel, and a little for the extra xper.

Another Gay Take
13 Opinion