5 Reasons Why People Should Accept Gun Law Worldwide


There is a lot of discussion lately about gun-law being abolished. But why? Guns are not evil by default. There are just people who are gunphobics. And as another form of phobia,it will always be irrational.

1) “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People”: Right. A gun by default will not kill you. Someone has to fire this gun. By the same logic, all food are evil. Since you can choke on your own food and die,should we ban all food? It’s irrational! All you need is to make proper use of this gun. False use of ANY object can kill you, wether it is a gun or a ball.

2) Protection: One day you might get attacked by a thug. This thug happens to be unarmed,but happens to be stronger and you happen to be unarmed as well. What will you do? Even if you cry “Please stop!”, he will beat you up and get away with your money. So if you had a gun you could pull out your gun and shoot his hand. You don’t have to kill him at all. Just injure him, and run away!

3) Survival: Well...sure chances for this to happen are minimum,but not zero. Anyway,one day you might end up in a forest all alone. Being unarmed will give you less chances to survive. Being armed though, might come in handy in this case. It will help you for hunting purposes and give yourself more chances to survive.

4) Shooting as a form of an entertainment: Sure this reason is less serious than those reasons above, but still why not? Personally I collect empty soda cans. Sometimes I build a can-tower with them but when I do I think...”Oh God if only had a gun to shoot this tower down! But shit gun-law is illegal here! Not funny!”

5) Make money from guns: Even if you don’t want a gun,guns being legal will come in handy in your case. You might have some guns in your home from some family members of yours. If guns are illegal were you live,you are not able to sell them easily! So again gun-law will come in handy even if you don’t want any guns personally!

Anyway, point is there is no need to be afraid of guns themselves. It’s irrational. :)

5 Reasons Why People Should Accept Gun Law Worldwide
22 Opinion