Some of a 16-Year-Old's Political Views in the US


Yo, welcome to my first myTake ever! Let's get this thing on.

  1. Guns: You knew I would mention it. For those of you who want strong, strict gun control, and for the ones who even want to abolish the right for us to obtain and own firearms, you need to understand that the ownership of firearms is a basic right given to Americans. It is specifically stated in the Constitution. I don't care what anyone says, taking our guns away is illegal. The Bill of Rights cannot be changed, as far as I know.
    Now the debate on guns is something different. Let me throw some statistics out there.
    Some of a 16-Year-Old's Political Views in the US
    I don't think I have to say much else on that topic. It is true that zero guns equals zero gun violence, but guns will always be around everywhere. It's impossible to abolish all guns. Strict gun laws are giving criminals the upper hand.

  2. Racism: It just doesn't exist as much as they say it does. If racism was such a large force in this country, then Barack Obama would never have been elected. He would've never had a chance. Dr. Ben Carson wouldn't be given the time of day either, and he's a Republican runner. There is something my father told me that made me realize something about racism. It's not illegal to be a racist, currently. Let that sink in. No, I'm not defending racist people, and yes, they are wrong to be racist. But there aren't any laws against it. It is their right and choice to be racist. As long as they don't do any physical damage to anyone or anybody's property, then there's nothing you can do about it. Get over it.

  3. My choice for the POTUS: While Donald Trump is intelligent, and he has proven to be right about things, I don't think he should elected President (I would probably vote for him over any Democrat though). A Bible verse comes to my mind, something about "pride goeth before destruction." Yeah. While I'm talking about him, let me say that he's not a racist. The media lies by saying he wants to deport immigrants. He clearly says he wants ILLEGAL immigrants gone.
    I would prefer that Dr. Ben Carson be President. And if not him, then Ted Cruz. A lot could change in the months that come though, my opinions too.

  4. Conclusion: You can see that I'm definitely a conservatist. I would love to write more, but right now I just don't have time. I want to post more political related stuff in the future, so maybe try looking out for me. :P I'm really trying to be involved. I want the US to be better off, and I think everyone can respect that. SEE Y'ALL LATER, AND ENJOY LIFE.

Some of a 16-Year-Old's Political Views in the US
4 Opinion