100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans


Hello, my name is MissNowhere and I'm obsessed with dogs.

As the ultimate animal lover that I am, I've ALWAYS loved animals, especially dogs, way more than people. That will never ever change. Unfortunately I don't have a dog of my own (at least not yet) but that doesn't change the fact that I love them endlessly. I adore them so much that I fail to understand how some people in the world could dislike them. Yes, I may be obsessed with dogs and not too fond of humans, but it's all for a good reason. Or, should I say, 100 reasons:

1. Dogs aren't evil. They're innocent as can be. No dog is born evil.

2. Dogs don't start wars. No dog has ever started a war. Well, definitely not a real war.

3. Dogs don't discriminate.

4. Dogs don't initiate hatred.

5. Dogs aren't sexist.

6. Dog's aren't racist. They don't care about your skin color, not even a little bit.

7. Dogs aren't hypocrites. In this world full of hypocrites, it's extremely refreshing.

8. Dogs don't lie. If they don't like you, they'll let you know. If they do like you, they'll let you know.

9. Dogs don't fake their feelings.

10. Dogs don't hide their feelings.

11. Some dogs make better parents.

12. They ask for very little. All they need is your love, food and shelter.

13. You can always count on their loyalty. I believe they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. With humans, you can never be sure.

14. They are covered in soft fur. They're like living, breathing stuffed animals. And they even let you pet them as much as you want.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

15. Dogs have big, beautiful eyes. If you ask me, those eyes are so much cuter than human eyes.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

16. They look at you with adoration out of those big eyes. And that produces warm, fuzzy feelings.

17. They aren't conceited. They don't know that they're cute. However, most humans who are cute are well aware of it. It's impossible for dogs to be conceited.

18. Dogs know how to have fun without worrying about looking silly or stupid. Majority of people are too insecure to truly let themselves go.

19. They don't care if you look like a total weirdo. You can leave the house looking your absolute worst, but your dog still won't be embarrassed being seen with you in public.

20. They have no prejudices or preconceived ideas about others. They love you for who you are.

21. Dogs are good for your soul.

22. Dogs are good for your heart.

23. Dogs are good for your mind.

24. Dogs don't play emotional games. No mind games, none of that. They keep it real.

25. They're good at being quiet companions. Dogs seem to instinctively know when you're in need of some quiet time. Humans often really don't get the hint, they just can't shut the fuck up.

26. Dogs make us feel important. They sure have the power to make us feel like we're the center of the universe.

27. They're always happy to see you. Have you ever had a human jump up and down from excitement when you come home from work?

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

28. Dogs never ask to borrow things. They will never ask to borrow your money, car, clothes...

29. They don't have ulterior motives.

30. They can help heal a broken heart. Your dog will always be there for you when you're going through a romantic disaster.

31. Dogs are the best listeners. They will never try to interrupt or story-top you.

32. Dogs can't talk. Which means no dog will ever insult you, yell at you, belittle you or catcall you.

33. Your dog won't make plans without you. You're always invited to every walk and fetching game.

34. Dogs are the best cuddle buddies.

35. Dogs know how to appreciate the little things. Lots of people seriously lack this ability.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

36. They're always up for adventure.

37. Growing up with a dog is something special. Every child should grow up with a dog. You have your personal protector and pillow from day one.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

38. They don't judge you for your flaws. They'll accept them with no second thoughts.

39. They're really good at sharing.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

40. Dogs are there to help you clean up your messes. Especially when they're food-related.

41. Materialistic stuff doesn't matter to them.

42. You can trust them with all your secrets. None of them will be spilled.

43. They will always be your fangirl (or boy).

44. They have the ability to cheer you up when you're sad. They're professionals at turning that frown upside down.

45. Dogs are selfless.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

46. They teach us to be selfless.

47. They are amazing at helping you make friends.

48. They are amazing at helping you land a date. Let's be real, dogs are way better wingmen than people.

49. Dogs don't think too much, they just do what they feel like. People tend to overthink and overanalyze EVERYTHING. Dogs are so much more simple.

50. They never whine or mull over what could be. Whatever comes their way, they find a way to enjoy it.

51. Babies are cute, but puppies are so much cuter.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

52. They are always your partner in crime.

53. They improve your health.

54. They calm people in crisis.

55. They're incredibly smart. Sometimes dogs can even sense if you have cancer.

56. It doesn't take much to win a dog's heart. Some treats and a belly rub, and mission accomplished.

57. They have the purest intentions ever. They will never be jealous of your happiness. They want the best in the world for you.

58. Dogs and their sloppy kisses... You know you love them.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

59. You can play all sorts of pranks on them and they will never complain. What better friends to have?

60. They're always up for a road trip.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

61. They keep you moving. When you have a dog you are basically forced to get some exercise yourself, even if it's just the daily walk. It's inevitable.

62. Dogs have special healing effects.

63. They're always down to party. Their zest for life is contagious. You rarely see a dog in a bad mood.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

64. They don't ask you a thousand questions, and yet they know everything. You don't need words to communicate with them. They know the way around your heart, much better than anyone else does.

65. They never peer pressure you into doing things you don't wanna do.

66. Dogs are the happiest creatures ever.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

67. Dogs never hog the bathroom.

68. Dogs never hog the computer.

69. They are always in the mood. Your dog won't tell you it's a bad time if you want to run your hands all over his/her body.

70. Dog is not a Republican. Or a Democrat.

71. A dog will never sneak up on you. Don't have to worry about getting scared unexpectedly.

72. Dogs' emotions are easy to read. Unlike most humans.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

73. They keep you warm in winter.

74. A dog won't be mad at you for forgetting his/her birthday.

75. A dog will never laugh at you for your singing or tell you you're off pitch.

76. Dogs don't mind if you smell bad. They may even prefer it.

77. Dogs aren't picky eaters. They take what they can get.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

78. When dogs do something wrong, they admit it and apologize immediately. Ok, maybe not verbally, but it's all in the eyes!

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

79. Dogs don't mind morning breath. They'll kiss you to death anyways.

80. They make friends with everyone. It's amazing how easily dogs become friends with other dogs.

81. They make exercise a priority. People should really learn from dogs. Not only they love exercising, they also know how to make it fun.

82. Dogs don't care about aging. They don't worry about wrinkles and all the other stuff. They're just happy to be around.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

83. No matter how sick you are, your dog has no problem getting up close and personal with you.

84. They're easier to entertain. Seriously, they are so easily amused by things.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

85. They aren't lazy. Sure, there's always exceptions, but in general humans are WAY lazier than dogs.

86. Dogs don't bring drama.

87. They aren't afraid to get dirty.

88. Dogs give you 24/7 protection. Of course not all dogs are meant for protection, but most of them do make you feel safer.

89. Dogs don't ask dick size questions.

90. Dogs don't hold grudges.

91. They're basically super heroes. It's not uncommon to read in the news about dogs saving someone from something.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

92. When everyone else hates you, your dog will still love you. Even when it seems liks the whole world is against you, you always know you can count on your dog to be right there by your side.

93. Dogs make the best workout buddies.

94. Dogs can be trained.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

95. Dogs seriously calm you down in high-stress situations.

96. Your dog can be your cure for loneliness. When you have no special people in your life, your dog will definitely make you feel a little less lonely.

97. Your dog will force you to be social, for better or for worse. If you have a dog, you HAVE TO leave your house sometimes, which forces you to interact with people, especially since many people love to come up and say hello to the pup.

98. They would risk their life for you. How many people would do that?

99. They're perfect just the way they are.

100. Dogs give the most unconditional kind of love. Theirs is the most unconditional love you will ever receive. People may change and friends may grow apart, but a dog's love only grows stronger.

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

Hopefully no one gets offended by this take. There's no need to take all said above too seriously or personally. This isn't me talking about every single person obviously, but rather the human species in general. This isn't me attacking people, this is a celebration of the angels on Earth aka dogs. Hope you enjoyed. Peace out! ✌

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans
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