The control freaks of the world and why I can't understand them!


I have noticed a lot in the past months how some people are only about "me me me" I mean in everything from parents, partners to even friends trying to control you and tell you what to do it and I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of the controlling behavior of people and I decided this mytake will be about the people I do not like and why. Sorry if there any bad grammar or spelling mistakes I don't care to change it.

Controlling parents

You probably have them or you have friends who have these control parents as parents. One big reason why I hate these parents is that they don't care for their child's happiness or they claim they do in their own sick twisted way. I mean by setting their child up with their career path choices, who they can see (dating wise) or be friends, what they can do on their spare time, if they can move out or not etc. I feel like if I love my child why would I control their life in a way they don't want it to be? and if it all falls apart (like they hate their job and quit it and end up homeless) shouldn't I feel or be held responsible? its not about the child its all about them they revovle their child life their decisions around them. Claiming its the right thing to do but if they truly knew their child feelings would they keep doing it? yes because its not about love for their child its all about them. I'm sick and tired of these parents I will never become this parent because I feel like my child should have the right to their own life and if they makes mistakes that's on them its their mistakes not their parent's mistakes.

The control freaks of the world and why I can't understand them!

Controlling partners

Boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wifes whatever you call your lover your poo bear you get it.

Now these type of people I don't understand them in general they change your life to suit theirs but they don't realize you can easily replace them any second. I had a ex who use to control me and I couldn't deal with it anymore. The more they control you the.More.You.Want.To.Snap. Its so ridiculous how they try to control you and the reasons oh lord the reasons. Like for example don't talk to this boy. Why? he been my best friend for 4 years. I don't like how he acts around you. Like they give spit out a dumb ass reason for them to control you. I believe now if they love you they wouldn't try to control you to do what they want. I have no time for shitheads like these in my life.

The control freaks of the world and why I can't understand them!

They use your fear of losing them to gain power I think its mostly the power they love so they do what it takes to have that power over you and they enjoy the hell out of it. Fuck these people.

Controlling friends

I hate these type of friends these people will try to make you do what they want like controlling parents and controlling partners. I think controlling friends piss me off the most its like yo in a few years I won't remember your ass don't stop acting like your important to me and I should do what you say. I mean these friends will tell you who you can hang out with, tell you not to hang out people they don't want you around with, and they think their opinion matters in your life. Fuck these people and fuck all control freaks I believe in everyone should be free as a bird.

The control freaks of the world and why I can't understand them!

The control freaks of the world and why I can't understand them!
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