Beauty In Nature


Beauty In Nature have always astounded me. Some feel asthough their daily life is to busy to stop and smell flowers. When I take the time out to enjoy nature and all her wonders, my mind becomes clear and I am less stressed and feel relaxed. I'm sure that this improves my health.

Beauty In Nature

No matter where you live you should enjoy at least some of what nature has to offer. Often I find myself rubbing the leaves on a bush or day dreaming with my eyes fixed on a tree. This is something I sometimes do without much thought.

Beauty In Nature

For covience purposes you could buy or pull up a plant. Keep it hydrated and talk to it. Yes I said talk to it. The plant need the carbon deoxide and you need the oxygen.

Beauty In Nature

Remeber tell the plant good things. The plant pick up on those vibes and grow with much more ease and in return you are less negative. This for some reason has an effect on the plant.

I for one have first handedly experienced it during two different class science projects, one in elementary and another in highschool. The seeds with the negative talk sprouted at a much more slower pace and in some cases didn't sprout at all.

Beauty In Nature

Well this is myTake on nature. thank you

~ Nightmare Neal

Beauty In Nature
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