Happiness Myths



When you achieve something you'll be happy

Promotion, a title, a diploma, a gold medal, 1000 folowers on instagram, becoming guru here on GAG, becoming a parent, visit every country in the world.

It doesn’t matter which achievement you are looking for, none will grant you true happiness. Yous till can feel like crap. Millionairs, moviestars and rock stars still getting depressed. People with a perfect body still can be dumped.

When you find the right person, you'll be happy

Having a partner can surely make your life better in a lot of ways, but it isn’t a requirement to be happy.

The only thing that matters in a partner is that he or she makes you happy

Face reality sometimes your partner gonna annoy you, sometimes you get turned off by him or her or feels underappreciated.

Being happy means you'll never feel bad

Part of life is to have moments of negative emotions like: dissapointment, loss, anger, sadness, embarrasment, fear.

Happiness is merely a state of mind

How to make someone with a depression feel even worse then they already do? Use an inspirational quote like “choose happiness”. It will make them feel guilty for not feeling happy.

Gratitude will make you happier

"Be grateful for what you have!", a saying people often use to sheer someone up but this can have the opposite result. Being thankfull what you have can make you happier, that is true. But when you are feeling low it is sooooo hard to do. You can end up feeling ashamed for feeling sad.

Happiness Myths
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