Why I Love The Summer


Hey guys, this is my 80th Take! Yay!!

Why I Love The Summer

But I wrote (on my other account) why I love Autumn. I don't like Winter too much or Spring. But here is why I love Summer.

The heat.

I love to sweat, and the heat is great in my opinion


My birthday is June 24th, so of course I'll love Summer.

Why I Love The Summer

(The girl in the middle is the Bday girl and she's 14!! Like wtf.)


Swimming is fun as fuck.


Makes me sweat, gives me a workout and great photo ops for nature.

Free time.

I can sleep, eat, hang with friends, do anything I wish to b/c now I have the time to!

4th of July

I love the 4th of July because of the fireworks and people coming together to watch them/light them.

Why I Love The Summer


I'd prefer not to go ice fishing...like EVER.


Loads more opportunities to eat popcicles and ice cream.


People go to Ocean City or Florida beaches etc for vacations.

Why I Love The Summer


No school.

I can stay up till 7 am and not wake up till midnight (sleep all day)

Why I Love The Summer
9 Opinion