Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show


You shouldn't be able to judge a person who watches anima until you have at least seen one yourself. Because in today's society you see people who do this and they have never seen an anima show in their life. You never know if you would like anima until you watch it. I've always loved anima but me and my brother always watched it together when I was a kid so that how I got into it. Even just watching Pokemon or something its not really anima but its kinda like it so if you like that you will more then likely like anima. Its just some great things to watch.


#1 Fullmetal alchemist

Why I think everyone should at least watch one episode of an anima show

#2 Soul eater

Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show

#3 Naruto

Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show

#4 Dragonball Z

Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show

#5 One Piece

Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show

#6 Bleach

Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show
Why I Think Everyone Should At Least Watch One Episode Of An Anima Show
4 Opinion