Some Lessons Life Taught Me So Far...


Am sure many among you have heard the phrase "we learn from our mistakes" makes sense,..and once you make a mistake there's no way back to fix that...

Some lessons life taught me so far.....

Lessons life taught me :

1.Don't trust people too easily.

2.Don't be too kind towards those in your surrounding...they'll end up "needing" you only when your service is required.

3.Don't think that life is like a fairy tale and that EVERYTHING will happen as you wish.!...NOPE!

4.Think well before you say something.

5.Think well before taking an important decision( it can be concerning your career/family/relationship).

6.Know with whom you're surrounding yourself with.

7.Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and voice out your opinions.

8.Never let people take decisions for's YOUR life..not theirs.

9.Don't be afraid to face the "real you" and let him/her out.

10.Don't let anyone judge you!

GAGers...what lessons life has taught you so far??

Some Lessons Life Taught Me So Far...

Some Lessons Life Taught Me So Far...
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