How My Near-Death Experience Changed My Life Forever


The idea of death is rarely taken seriously. People joke about it all the time but few individuals truly grasp the concept of the lives it distorts. I was among the clueless until I was 18 years old and driving to my history class. I am writing this because I drive right by where I was almost killed basically everyday. I think about it all the time and the only peace I seem to get is in my sleep.

My near death experience.
I admit I was running later than I wanted to that day. I like to get to class at least 45-60 minutes early so I can read before class. Before I left the house, I told my mom I was leaving like I always do and I told my mom I loved her. I remember I got up early that day and I told my dad I loved him before he left for work. I was driving for about ten minutes passing by a gas station that I always pass by and I started to notice a driver acting strange.

At first I thought, "what the hell is this driver doing." That quickly changed to, "my god they're headed right towards me." For a split second something weird happened I was staring death in the face and I wasn't afraid, a sort of peace set in me then reality set in and I swerved as hard as I could towards the right. I then hit my breaks as hard as I could to avoid landing in a farming field.

How My Near-Death Experience Changed My Life Forever

I sat there in my car on the side of the highway thanking my lucky stars that I was alive. That car was very large and my car is very small I know it would've killed me instantly. I reflected on the fact that I could've died and all I could think was, "I am so glad that I told my parents I loved them." But then fear and regret set in. Regret that I never repaid the people who sacrificed so much for me. Fear that I never went out and did what I wanted to do with my life. I made a bucket list when I was 14 and it is now 6 pages long. I never went out of my way to cross any of it off. I sat there and wondered what happened to that girl?

My 14 year old self wanted to travel the world and have amazing experiences. I knew I wasn't born to live an average life then die at 18 while driving to class. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I never tried to cross anything off my bucket list. I never sought out to do anything I wanted to do and all I had to show for it was a pile of books on my nightstand I had meant to read. And then I remembered I had to get to class even though if a student shows up late, my professor is really nice about it.

How My Near-Death Experience Changed My Life Forever

Which Is exactly why for my next birthday instead of asking for more "stuff", I will be asking for a chance to cross something off my bucket list. Except I will probably ask for more books, one can never have too many books. Books are good to have when this muggle world gets boring. I already have a trip to Europe and Yosemite ready. It's also why I applied for a nonpaying job at a hospital. I knew it was nonpaying but I knew I will love working there and I wanted to give my life a cause greater than myself.

That cause was to lose myself in helping others. I knew that actually getting the job will be a Hail Mary because so many people are interested in the program but I definitely won't get it if I don't apply. You can imagine how ecstatic I was when I got the job. All I ask, is don't wait for you to nearly be killed to motivate you to live your life.

How My Near-Death Experience Changed My Life Forever
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