9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

This is my response to this myTake. After all, having children is a choice so let's hear the other side of the fence!

Disclaimer: Don't read if you're easily offended or if you think 'everyone must have kids otherwise they're selfish, horrible people.'

1. Save money

It costs approximately £230,000 to raise a child up until the age of 18, although you still pay for them years after the age of 18!

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

2. Less stress

It's stressful providing for another human dependent on you for everything. You'll have fewer mental breakdowns compared to a parent.

3. You can do what you like whenever you like

You'd also save money on babysitting fees.

4. More sleep

No waking up at the crack of dawn and/or throughout the night for feeds or trying to fit in an hours nap when the baby is sleeping. You can get the full amount of sleep an adult requires and even have lie ins when you want. How lovely!

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

5. Don't have to listen/watch children's TV or songs over and over

I'm pretty sure that's how people become insane - it could be used as a torture method!

6. No nappy changes

Who enjoys changing an overflowing nappy whilst the baby cries and tries to get away from you, several times a day?

7. Your female body will be in tip top shape

You won't gain the dreaded baby weight or have stretchmarks everywhere. And no pregnancy or painful labour. I don't think anyone's missing out there!

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

8. Don't have to get up early before work to do the school run

And be surrounded by even more annoying offspring, as well as be surrounded by parents who want to complain about their child to you, although "parenthood is so beautiful"... apparently.

9. You'll find a path to fulfilment away from having children

It seems having children is the only way a person can be 'truly fulfilled' when really, that's societal garbage ingrained in us so we continue having children. Does anyone even know what life fulfilment really is? Everyone's different with different goals in life; someone may feel fulfilled by something you'd never understand. Many child free people are very happy and fulfilled in their lives and they never felt children could've fulfilled them and that's okay.

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids

Leave a like below if you agreed with myTake and/or are a child free human being. :)


9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Kids
12 Opinion