Smile: A Child's Poem


Here is a poem by one of my daughters.

Smile (a child's poem)

Every time I wake up

I go to the yard of my house,
look up at the sky,
and say to myself:
today will be a beautiful day.

The weather doesn’t matter,
I have to smile,
I have to be happy,
I have to enjoy life.

Today is a beautiful day,
I smile,
I’m happy,
I enjoy life.

I woke up
and went outside,
I gazed at the sky
and said to myself
it was going to be a beautiful day.

It was a beautiful day,
I smiled,
I was happy,
I enjoyed life.

Now I can happily sleep.

Smile: A Child's Poem


Smile: A Child's Poem

Smile: A Child's Poem
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