Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!


Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

Unfortunately in this crazy world we live in, there are people hellbent on causing you harm. Some feel like they can take advantage of the fact that you are women, or they feel like women aren't prepared to fight back, or they view you as an easy target. You can't protect yourself from everything and everyone, but you can sure as hell try.

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

Cabs, Dates, Vacations

For all of the above, let someone know who you're going with (in the case of the cab or uber, their identifying information), where you're going, what you're wearing, what time you expect to arrive or leave and come back, your hotel information, and anything else that may be of importance. If something goes wrong, we all know there is a 48 hour window where odds are police will be able to find you, but after that, things get much more difficult.

Get into that cab/uber on the phone talking to someone letting them know loudly where you're going and your arrival time. That let's the driver know someone is either waiting for you or aware that you're in their cab. Also remember, as friendly as a cabbie or driver may be, they are not your personal buddy for whom you should be sharing all your personal information with like where you work or personal details and information. That's none of their business. Anything you can do prior to being in these situations to help yourself, is a good idea, and a good habit to get into JIC (just in case).

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

When going on vacation, do not post to your social media where you are going and when. Thieves love this information because it lets them know exactly when to rob you and how just not there, you will be when it happens. Never let anyone know your hotel room number especially on vacation. It is so easy for people to stroll into a hotel with that information, get on that elevator, walk right on down to your room, and when you open it, push their way in. If ever you feel like this information has been compromised or you've had ID, room keys, etc. stolen, switch rooms and/or hotels immediately. Also before entering your room look behind you, and to your left and your right. Someone could simply be waiting on you to come back to your room alone.

Also, obviously get a room that has a peep hole and USE it and advise everyone in the room to use it. You may think that knock on the door is from a friend who just went to go get ice, but look and make sure first! Heed vacation warnings! They are in place for a reason. If a tour guide says don't go off the beaten path...don't go off the beaten path! Criminals love idiot tourists who think they know everything and who feel they are entitled to do anything they want because they are on vacation. Don't be an easy target.

On dates, for at least the first one, unless you know the person well, drive yourself to the date. Do not allow them to pick you up from your house. On dating sites, be extremely picky with who you give out any personal information to.

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

Walking Alone or At Night

We know you're a big girl and you don't need a babysitter walking you to your car, but unfortunately, you're putting a target on yourself for any criminal looking to cause you harm. Utilize your security guard to walk you to your car or a trusted co-worker. Often times, when an entire staff works late, they will all leave together, and you should do the same to make sure everyone leaves okay.

If you are going for a walk, carry something, pack a self defense weapon with you, and/or walk with your dog. Criminals want the easiest target possible. They don't want someone who looks like they will struggle or fight back or can harm them in anyway. When you carry a big stick, an umbrella, or bring your dog, these are all things that can make it difficult for that person to get you because they can be used as weapons to defend yourself. Obviously stay on a lit well traveled path and if you just have to workout super early or late, workout with someone else, preferably 2-3 persons. Ever so often look over your shoulder to make sure no one is following you and walk wide around corners.

If you must go into a store late at night alone, DO NOT bring your purse. Put your money in a pocket, sock, or your bra, or a waist belt. Thieves love the cover of night and to grab your purse or you as you're busy not paying attention to your surroundings. Don't make yourself a target. Also if the store happens to get robbed, you have nothing visible for them to steal.

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

You're home and if you see police...

Just as with your hotel, never ever open up your front door without first checking to make sure who it is. If you don't recognize them, talk to them if you want, but only through your closed door.

Please keep in mind there are people who like to pose as cops or delivery men and gain entry unlawfully to your house. Please note...if you see police at your door there are only two ways they may lawfully enter your house no matter what they claim. 1)with a search warrant signed by a judge 2)if anyone within your household, even if it wasn't you, gave them permission to enter. Now if you see them at the door you can lawfully do the following:

1) Be polite and greet police whilst talking to them through your closed door.

2) You may greet them outside after exiting through another door.

3). You may speak with officers through the opening protected by your chain lock or glass door.

4). If police come to your door and you don’t require their help, you may simply decline to answer the door at all. Unless they have a warrant, they will eventually leave.

5)If ever you are suspicious about the cops at your door, call 9-1-1 or the non-emergency number and ask to verify that they are who they say they are. You may inform the officers at your door that you are doing this or not, but be on the safe side if you are suspicious in anyway.

As far as all others, if you are expecting a delivery, when the delivery persons arrive, greet them the way you might the cops, by exiting through another door and meeting them visibly on your front lawn or stoop or ask the delivery persons if they can wait on your stoop while you verify that they are who they say they are. Don't assume that because you see a truck, they are the ones that are supposed to be there. Anybody could take your delivery info from in store and use it to gain entry to your house. When you have people in your house, make sure you call someone and let them know who is there with you. It may also be a good idea to carry some sort of pepper spray, knife, gun, whatever weapons you have on you in case they try to attack you.

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!

It is also a good idea to install cameras. Now-a-days on the news, you see more and more incidents caught on camera from people stealing dogs, to other property, to suspicious persons scoping out or coming to your house, to fake delivery persons. A doorbell camera is also fantastic because it allows you to see usually via your cell phone, who is at your front door without you even having to approach or actually be at your house. You can "answer" your front door from work or on vacation, letting a person know, you don't need or want their services.

Careful who you help and beware of late night car accidents

It is a lot of our instincts to help those in need, and it sucks to even have to say this, but a lot of criminals use your instinct to help to lure you to a location, kidnap women and children, and to rob or rape you.

If someone is asking for change in a parking lot, they may be waiting for to you pull out your billfold so they can grab it and go. Someone asking to borrow your phone for an emergency may take it and run, a seemingly injured dog left somewhere, may pull you away from the crowd or a main area to some place where all sorts of harm can come to you. Someone running up to you specifically asking you to follow them because their "child" or "pet" is injured, may be another lure. Not saying you shouldn't help people, but just be very aware of these things and use your judgement. Offer immediately and do start dialing 9-1-1 if they claim it's an emergency or go find someone else to come with you to help you help them, if they are trying to get you to go somewhere with them that isn't very public.

If you are hit at night, especially if you are rear ended, stay in your car and call either 9-1-1 or the non-emergency number. If the other driver approaches you, let them know loud and clear police are on their way (even if they aren't) and remain in your car, with the window rolled up. If you can, put your emergency lights on and guide the other person to a well lit area with as many people around as possible.

Self Defense Techniques

Self Defense Weapons

Ladies, You Gotta Protect Yo Selves!
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