Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure


You feel angry

You start to blame everyone else for your failure. You hate those who succeed and compare yourself to them. Mostly you go through this stage when you're still too fragile to take the blame for what has happened. It's very important to convert all these negative feelings into motivation and to not let them destroy your relationships with others.

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure

Wanting to give up

The reality has sunken in. You understand what happened was your fault and now you feel useless. It seems like nothing matters and you are so shamed about yourself you don't want to try ever again. But don't give up on your goal. At this stage you realize what your weaknesses was before, so later you can work on them.

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure

You may lose some people

This is not very likely but it may actually happen. Usually on cases where your failure happens simultaneously with others success. It doesn't mean people are bad or selfish. They just move on and you may be left behind. Fortunately the ones who actually care will always try to find some time for you in their lifes.

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure

Damage control

That's the first step to your next try. You understand what can't be fixed and try to make things as good as they can get. You come up with a new plan for your goal and hope begins to wrap you.

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure

You try again

Now you know what mistakes to avoid and you know your strengths. You are stronger and more mature about your goals. You have more realistic expectations and a solid plan to begin with. Even if you fail again you already know the consequences and you know you can handle them.

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure

You will survive!!

Tips to deal with it:

1. Accept it. Consider what is done and what it means for the future.

2. Talk with someone about how you're feeling. Choose someone who has been through a similar situation and share your experiences.

3. Do not feel useless and do not constantly compare yourself to others. One setback does not make you a failure.

4.Understand what has gone wrong. Try to learn from your mistakes and to not repeat them again.

5. Do not overanalize it. Of course the past has a lot to teach us but if we live in it, there can be no future.

6. Stay focused. You begun with a picture of what you wanted your life to be. Do not throw that away just because it took you a while to learn how to draw.

7. Make a new plan. You've already dealt with the situation once, you know what needs to be done differently.

(8. Know when to give up. Sure we should stay true to ourselves and our dreams but if we only focus on one thing we really want - even if it doesn't seem possible- everything else might start falling apart.)

Things That Happen When You Fail and 8 Tips to Overcome Failure
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