New Year Resolution.


New Year Resolution.

We make mistakes in areas of life we have little or no knowledge about. But when properly guided
we will be able to find our way through. Knowledge is power and light. Choose wisdom instead of foolishness, follow the light instead of being in the dark. People can only show you the way, but the steps is yours to take. Destiny, fate, faith, the spiritual laws, and how we stand (pure or bad) all play a role in what we are passing through in life right now, and our reaction now will determine our future. Negativity brings evil, while love, good thoughts, and love brings joy, peace of mind, hope, laughter such that comes from the heart. A closer look at life will inform us that life does not support stagnation, time is ticking, seasons are changing, the earth is moving, so why then would your life remain the same? Your have refused to grow, learn, and improve yourself against the law of nature. How then will nature support you. If we swing against the law we always find it difficult, but if we abide by the law, it will carry us safely. We live by the established principles of the owner of the Universe and that is the reason most things do not go our way. Until we embrace this perception a lot of things will be hidden from us. Ignorance is no excuse , the time to awaken is has come. If you doubt then put to test, if you are convince please go along with it, this knowledge and other good ones will certainly be of help in your journey. Be a blessing to humanity and let your light so shine that others in darkness can see their way through you. This is the greatest gift you can share. PEACE BE UNTO YOU.

New Year Resolution.
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