Why I Hate Asking for Help


No, thank you

Why I Hate Asking for Help

Personally speaking, I love to be of help to people. I stumbled upon GirlsAskGuys after seeing a few questions that were asked about guy's behavior by a few girls, and I thought that this would be the perfect website where I could contribute to the best that I could and actually be awarded for it, but unfortunately I don't feel the appreciate that I should, and I never will as far as helping people goes.

I've always been a listener, taking heed to anyone anytime they ask, but for some egoistic and inane reason, I feel like I can handle everything by myself, even if others around me know that I need assistance with anything, and because of this, my own pride is tearing me, and anyone relatable down, and here's why.

We are always there for a reason

We know what it's like to be used, and so we would much rather be of help to people than to have anyone else feel taken advantage of, like I have. We have experienced the suffering of those who are useful for others, but forsaken in their everyday life. It really sucks to be used, and we know that no one deserves it any more than the next person.

Because of the experience, it sucks to have to ask

I actually feel guilty to have to ask for help. It's a big hit to my ego, and although I'd love to be rid of the guilt, I can't. The more I like to help, the more I hate to have to ask. It is likely because of the childlike expectancy of me to expect courtesy of of those that I was courteous to, but if there's one thing I've learned already about the real world, good things can never be expected from anyone, even from friends sometimes. That being said, if we were to receive the any courtesy from anyone else, it will never be forgotten. The memory could possibly be taken with us to the grave, as so little can mean so much.

I know this is all too inane, but this is just how it feels. We can't say no to you, and we won't ask for anything in return. A cowardly move indeed, but personal experience speaking, you will need the support, whether it be from friends, family, even a sometimes a gang. The point is that people need to watch each other's backs in order to prepare for life outside the doors of your friend's, of your parent's households.

Why I Hate Asking for Help
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