Is Satan really such a bad guy?


First let me get this out of the way, I'm not a satanist.

This will be one that will come pretty as a surprise to people who know me on this site. I describe myself as an agnostic Christian, and even just today I was defending God in another question. I follow Christ's teachings because I see them as being very wise and an overall great way to live life but I don't belong to a church. I'm a doubter in many ways and one of the strongest arguments atheists have against God is his behavior in the bible especially the Old Testament. Does that mean he doesn't exist though? Is it possible for God to exist AND be unjust and cruel? What if God is not a force for good but instead, Satan is?

I almost posted this anon but I'm already anon anyway so I'll just keep my username attached. Honestly, this has been a thought of mine since I was a child; the bible was read to me from a very young age and I was hoping to have a decent conversation stuff like "God/Satan doesn't exist" isn't really pertinent to this conversation. So if your a non-believer, fine that's cool. Just approach the question mythologically.

I think about, the story we are told of Lucifer is that he lead a rebellion against God and was cast out of heaven into the abyss where God is not present. In my opinion it's the most interesting story of the bible (and that's saying something) but yet it's hardly touched on at all. We're not told WHY he rebelled, we don't hear his side of the story or his grievances. He was apparently the highest ranking angel in heaven, why would he want to rebel? Further, how did he convince an army of angels to join him in his rebellion against the all powerful and supposedly all good God? Was he really just extremely cunning and persuasive? Or did he actually have a good case for God being unjust. We really don't know because we are left completely in the dark regarding Lucifer's rebellion.

And then later of course he convinces Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, forbidden by God. God never explains why knowledge is forbidden, and has knowledge ever been a bad thing? In a way he is similar to Prometheus in Greek mythology. Prometheus was basically a friend to mankind and a champion of justice. He gave humans the ability to survive by teaching them farming and how to make fire. Without this knowledge we would be outmatched against the powerful animals blessed with flight, thick skin, super human speed, claws, and teeth.

Then of course we have to address God. Throughout the bible, God is unmistakably responsible for a lot of terrible things. He destroys all life on earth because they fail to worship him, he orders the murder of many different tribes, brings numerous plagues, wipes out cities, condones slavery, I mean you get the point. It's all there just read it. So he's got a lot of blood on his hands essentially. It seems like during the OT he was out of control when he didn't get his way. He had to have killed billions maybe trillions of people

So what of Satan. I can't find a single thing that satan did in the bible that was terrible other than in the book of Job where God places a bet on Job's faith and Satan makes his life suck, he kills most of his family adding up to... About 10 people. If I'm missing something please mention it in the comments, but I've read the bible cover to cover and certainly didn't want to believe this when I started. His other crime is that he convinced King David to take a census(!) God was angry and punished all of Israel with 3 days of plague for it. Apparently man could only count and give number to what belonged to him, as Israel did not belong to David, but to God, God considered it a sin. Well that's quite the wrap sheet there Satan. Another thing worth noting is that in both of these instances, satan asked and was granted permission by God to commit these crimes.

If Satan is so terrible, why are we not told of anything he has done? If I'm right though, why wouldn't we even be lied to about his evil deeds? If you read the bible with an open mind and no presuppositions, Lucifer comes out pretty clean while God doesn't seem like such a great being.

Please comment; I just wanted to jot all this down because it's really been nagging me for many years. Really I hate that this is the conclusion I have come to, and I would hate to be dead wrong on this, but I can only work with the information given to me in the scripture, and that information doesn't tell me why I should be against Satan. It seems like that would be too important of a point for the bible to just gloss over as it does.

Thanks for reading my rant I know it was pretty long but I think it makes for interesting discussion

Is satan really such a bad guy

Is Satan really such a bad guy?
34 Opinion