10 Phobias You Might Have


Fear of too many holes

Trypophobia is a proposed pathological fear of objects with irregular patterns of holes.

EXAMPLE: Do any of the following images make you uncomfortable, provoke uncontrollable itching, and/or make you want to destroy it at all costs? If so, you have trypophobia.

10 Phobias You Probably Have

10 Phobias You Might Have
10 Phobias You Might Have

10 Phobias You Might Have

2) Anuptaphobia -
Fear of being single

Anuptaphobia is the fear of staying single.

EXAMPLE: Do you always have to be in a relationship? Can't stand the idea of being single or ending up alone, so you constantly feel the need to make sure some significant other is in your life? Have you even stayed in a destructive relationship just because you wanted somone? Do you avoid weddings in pain that you may never have one? ANUPTAPHOBIA!

10 Phobias You Might Have

3) Coulrophobia -
Fear of Clowns

Coulrophobia is the abnormal fear of clowns.

EXAMPLE: Do you feal uneasy or like you lack safety when around clowns? Do you become paranoid, anxious, nauseous? You've got Coulrophobia.

10 Phobias You Might Have

4) Caligynephobia
- Fear of beautiful Women

Caligynephobia refers to an unwarranted fear of beautiful women.

EXAMPLE: Do you suffer from excesive anxiety around women, panic attacks and lack the abilty to be social? Congrats you have Caligynephobia.

10 Phobias You Might Have

5) Cacophobia
- Fear of ugliness

Cacophobia is the overwhelming fear of all things ugly, being ugly, ugly people, etc.

EXAMPLE: Do you get scared, feel uneasy, or panick when you're around ugly people, feel the need to let aesthetics dominate yourlife and always look good? Cool, you now have have reason to blame for you shallowness (kidding). CACOPHOBIA! Sympytems include anxiety and depression when you feel realy ugly and the ugly people just won't go away.

10 Phobias You Might Have
10 Phobias You Might Have

6) Defecaloesiophobia - Fear of pooping

Defecaloesiophobia is the fear of having painful bowels movements.

EXAMPLES: Do you ever get nervous about taking dumps? Does the idea scare you that this could be a big one that hurts your anal passageway? You could have Defecaloesiophobia. If you do, have no fear! At least you aren't the only hesistant one about taking a poop.

10 Phobias You Might Have

7) Enosiophobia or Enossiophobia
- Fear of committing sin.

Enosiophobia is the fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or act of criticism.

10 Phobias You Might Have

8) Oikophobia
- Fear of appliances

Oikophobia is the fear of household appliances such as toasters, ovens, refrigerators, etc.

EXAMPLES: Do your household appliances make you feel uneasy or lacking safety? Do you feel like they could all just explode so you take caution not to die around them? You have Oikophbia.

10 Phobias You Might Have

9) Erotophobia / Genophobia
- Fear of Sexuality

Eratophobia is the general fear of sexuality and sex-related issues, while genophobia is the more specific fear of sexual intercourse itself.

EXAMPLE: Do sexual things such as genetalia, kissing, touching, or simply talking about sex make you feal uncomfortable or uneasy? You just might have Erotophobia.

10 Phobias You Might Have

10) Neophobia
- Fear of new things

Neophobia is the irrational fear of new things: change, innovation, new places, and new situations in general.

Do you think everything should remain the same, feel that traditional customs are the only way, resent change in system and don't want to accept things you don't understand just because it's different? NEOPHOBIA! This is common among older folk that aren't as open minded as young folk; also common amongst small towned people who've never really experienced change. Most common among people who are brick walls and want everything their way.

10 Phobias You Might Have

10 Phobias You Might Have
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